Health & Wellness: Finances for Law Enforcement

Course Description

Health & Wellness: Finances for Today is an 8-hour course designed to increase your knowledge and practices of basic finance in order to promote financial fitness. This course will provide a solid base to build upon as you increase your money management skills and knowledge.

Over the course of the day, we will facilitate discussion and learn how to create and use a spending plan including planning and saving for your retirement. You will put your financial tool kit together, discuss how credit reports and credit scores effect finances, and describe the role money plays in day-to-day stress.

Money and finances play a large roles in our everyday lives; both at home and as Public Safety Professionals on the job having daily interactions with the Public. This course is not designed to be an all-inclusive course in budgeting and finance nor is it an investment class but rather it is an introduction to a complex subject that affects our everyday life.

Money is one of the leading factors in divorce, domestic violence, suicide, and drug and alcohol abuse. Not managing your money can result in the loss of jobs, security clearances, ability to buy/own property and having a secure future.

This course will offer a different set of tools for you to handle your personal finances resulting in less negative financial impact. You will gain the skills to plan out a budget and an understanding of the necessity for planning and building for retirement.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this training session, participants will be able to:

  • Define what a budget is and create a budget plan.
  • Establish the elements of the financial tool kit.
  • Apply for and analyze your credit report and credit score to see where it stands on the FICO scoring model and to perform the credit repair process.
  • Discover the positive results or investing for retirement.
  • Identify triggers that create/escalate negative discussions of money within the family and impacts on your job.
  • Recognize and discuss compulsive debt habits, affects and whereto go for help.
  • Define Compound interest and the math process to see the results of compound interest o your financial life.
  • Identify financial stress and the affects within your home and professional life.


Students must bring their own credit report to the class.

Course Length

1 Full Day (8 hours with a 1 hour lunch break and two 15 minute breaks)

Learning Environment


Target Audience

  • Law Enforcement
  • First Responders
  • Firefighters
  • Health Care Workers
  • Individuals

Class Size

Min: 10 Max: 25

Credit Hours

Participants are eligible for 0.7 CEU’s upon completion of the full course.

The United States Law Enforcement Foundation (USLEF) has been awarded a grant from the State of Florida to provide soft skills education free to law enforcement in the State of Florida.

The current course offered is 24808-2406-Health & Wellness: Finances for Law Enforcement. Upper Mohawk, Inc. (UMI) is contracted by the United States of Law Enforcement Foundation to provide the education.

For questions or to inquire about classes for individuals or agencies please call UMI at 321-269-6939 and ask for Pat Barnes or Blake Parker. Watch our website for up-and-coming training dates, locations and times

IADLEST Certified